绿洲社区学习 现代奴隶制度 和 Human Trafficking Statement
绿洲是一个志愿者的运动, activists 和 professionals that works in 36 communities across the UK. 通过我们的综合“社区中心”模式, 我们试图在以前被社会遗忘的社区中创造一种新的邻里感,以便每个人, regardless of their background 和 starting point, can join together to overcome life’s hurdles 和 reach their God-given potential.
停止交通, 比如绿洲社区学习, 是组成绿洲全球大家庭的组织之一,是预防人口贩运的先驱. 停止交通 works to unite people around the world by inspiring, 通知, 装备和动员社区:
- 了解什么是人口贩卖
- 知道如何识别和应对
- 知道如何保护自己和他人
绿洲社区学习 和 停止交通 believe human trafficking 和 modern slavery are truly global issues. 我们的目标是建立有复原力的社区, by turning them into places where it is harder for traffickers to hide their activities 和 their victims.
本声明阐述了绿洲社区学习的行动,以了解与其活动相关的所有潜在现代奴隶制风险,并采取措施确保其自身业务和供应链中没有奴隶制或人口贩运. 本报表涉及我们将在2022年9月1日至2023年8月31日财政年度采取的行动和活动.
作为教育部门的一部分, the organisation recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery 和 human trafficking.
绿洲社区学习绝对致力于防止奴隶制和人口贩运,其使命是在社区的核心提供卓越的教育, 和, to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery 和 human trafficking. 绿洲社区学习积极与停止交通合作,以确保我们的工作不涉及人口贩运.
We hope that our five ethos values of inclusion, 的关系, 平等, 希望和毅力渗透着我们所做的每一件事,无论何时何地,任何人遇到绿洲社区学习都是显而易见的.
- 一种包容所有人的热情
- A desire to treat everyone equally, respecting differences
- A commitment to healthy 和 open 的关系
- A deep sense of hope that things can change 和 be transformed
- A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul
This statement covers the activities of 绿洲社区学习:
- 我们成立于2004年,以创造“社区中心的卓越教育”为愿景,并已发展成为一个拥有52所学院的大家庭
- 我们目前服务超过32个,000名年轻人, 51% of whom are from disadvantaged backgrounds 和 31% speak English as an additional language.
- 我们决心提高所有学生的教育水平,缩小贫困学生与富裕学生之间存在的教育差距.
- 我们的学校 are in four main regions of Engl和, 提供任意一个主节点, 中等或全面教育.
- Our strong ethos is integral to our educational provision – it is an expression of our character, a statement of who we are 和 therefore the lens through which we assess all that we do.
- We employ over 4500 staff 和 all of our operations are currently based in the UK.
Please find further information relating to our activities 和 structure at the link http://oasiscommunitylearning.finalsite.com/about-us/who-we-are
作为我们主动识别和降低风险的一部分,我们已经确定了存在重大风险的主要领域. 绿洲社区学习确保供应商在招标和选择过程中展示其企业社会责任的方法, details of which may vary according to the project. 绿洲社区学习的供应商必须完全遵守《十大靠谱买球网站排名》,并通过接受绿洲社区学习条款与条件确认他们遵守了《十大靠谱买球网站排名》. 绿洲社区学习保留排除任何因《十大靠谱买球网站排名》被定罪的投标人的权利.
- Identify 和 assess potential risk areas in our supply chains.
- Mitigate the risk of slavery 和 human trafficking occurring in our supply chains.
- 保护举报人.
我们的采购有相当一部分是与预先获得采购联盟(如Crown Commercial Services (CCS)和Crescent purchasing consortium (CPC))批准的供应商进行的。, or appointed through means of a formal tender process. 我们的供应链包括:
- education equipment, textbooks 和 resources suppliers
- 学生及教职员制服供应商
- 物业管理、维修及服务
- 信息通信技术设备和服务
- 餐饮服务及用品
- 清洁服务及用品
- 漫游音乐服务
- 供应/机构工作人员
We have identified that some of our procurement takes place within sectors where modern slavery offences could occur, such as within our cleaning 和 catering supply chains 和 within the construction industry. We will be taking the following steps to promote awareness of this during 2021/22:
- Continuing to raise awareness amongst National, Regional 和 Academy based teams involved in employment, 采购及管理, of the risks of modern slavery occurring within our supply chains
- 尽可能将遵守《十大靠谱买球网站排名》和《十大靠谱买球网站排名》作为规范和投标文件的条件或标准
- Ensure our supplier on-boarding process includes due diligence around adherence to the 现代奴隶制度 Act 2015
- Ensure suppliers have access to our st和ard Terms & Conditions which require compliance to the 现代奴隶制度 Act
- Look for supplier aggregation opportunities in high-risk areas, 比如清洁, to better manage the risks associated with 现代奴隶制度
- Work closely with key partners to better underst和 how they are managing risks associated with 现代奴隶制度
- 咨询我们认可的工会
Our policies to resist modern slavery 和 human trafficking
We have reviewed our existing policies 和 procedures in light of the Act. We are confident that our policies promote good behaviour among our colleagues at work 和 within OCL. 我们不断检讨政策和程序,以确保它们反映绿洲社区学习和员工不断变化的需求, 学生/小学生及其所服务的社区.
- 行为准则 & 保密
- 平等 & 多元化政策
- A phased roll out of our EDI Staff Network Forums
- 欺诈政策
- 礼物,热情好客 & 关联方政策
- 更安全的招聘政策
- 检举政策
- The phased launch of the Navex Whistleblowing System
We are determined that there shall be no modern slavery or human trafficking in 绿洲社区学习. Our policies evidence our commitment to act ethically 和 with integrity throughout our organisation.
我们已经讨论过法案了, its purpose 和 绿洲社区学习’s attitude to it at a Board of Directors meeting. 我们已提醒行政领导团队注意此事,并要求他们继续考虑在我们组织内可能出现现代奴役或人口贩运风险的地方. 我们已经为我们的财务团队和参与采购的人员提供了指导,说明在采购货物和服务期间需要避免这些风险,以及可能出现的风险指标. 我们将继续加强我们向供应商寻求的保证,以避免现代奴役和人口贩运.
椅子上的 绿洲社区学习委员会
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